414 Nicknames for Girls

Whether you’re looking for a funny nickname or an affectionate one to use with your sweetheart, we’ve got a list of girl nicknames that are sure to suit any need. If you want more than just the popular names on this list, be sure to check out our other articles about girls’ names and their meanings as well! Enjoy this huge list of nicknames for girls.

Why Nicknames are Popular?

In short, most people want to show their affection through words, hence they create nicknames for their loved ones.

It seems like a girl can’t walk down the street without having someone call her their “baby” or an object of affection, so what’s one more? You might not be able to tell from reading this article which is my favorite pet name for girls. I’ll just have to give you some examples and let you decide.

Don’t you just love the way a woman makes your heart melt? If so, then this post is perfect for you. The names that we all know and use on our girlfriends can be too harsh to say at times when they are feeling sensitive or fragile. But don’t worry! Here I have compiled some of my favorite sweet nicknames for girls which will make them feel loved without being overbearing.

How to Choose Nicknames for Girls

A good nickname for a girl is something that should be lighthearted and fun. You can use anything from an adorable name to represent her cuteness, or you could go with someone who has made your day better than it was before they entered the room by being their perfect self. The best part of nicknames is getting creative! Some people might start off using just one letter of their regular name; like if she’s called Sierra, I’ll call her Sii-rah instead which will sound more unique because it doesn’t follow all the rules when forming a nickname (especially in case we’re not too close). But there are also cases where names were created out of thin air by adding letters together until finding two words that fit perfectly.

Best Nickname for a Girl

A girl can be called a lot of different things, but there are only so many nicknames that you’re going to want your girlfriend or wife to have. While picking the perfect nickname for her does take some thought and consideration (not just any old thing will do), it’s important not to get too hung up on finding something “just right” because she may end up hating whatever name you come out with in the end anyway. That being said, if this is someone who brings smiles into your life every day then coming across one good pet-name becomes worth all those hours spent agonizing over what would sound best when spoken from within earshot–or Instagram feed!–of friends and family members alike! You can choose nicknames inspired by fruit or flowers or your/her favorite movie characters, candies or desserts etc. Just make sure she is comfortable with the nickname.

Top Nicknames for Girls

  1. Cheeseball

  2. Mulan

  3. Katniss

  4. Daisy

  5. Hangry

  6. Bambi

  7. Good’n’Plenty

  8. My Girl

  9. Snickers

  10. Candy Cance

  11. Hot Cocoa

  12. Besties

  13. Aqua

  14. Vanilla Bean

  15. Rose

  16. Pixie

  17. Mini-Me

  18. Rainbow Bright

  19. Coo Coo

  20. Tiger

  21. Beanstalk

  22. Friendsies

  23. Charlie’s Angel

  24. Fuzzy Wuzzy

  25. Noodlehead

  26. Hottie

  27. Agent

  28. Chicklet

  29. Honey Pot

  30. Gopher

  31. Sweetums

  32. Ladybug

  33. Lightning

  34. Alpha

  35. Sweetness

  36. Barbie Doll

  37. Bestiest

  38. Gummy Bear

  39. Cupcake

  40. Pop Tart

  41. Munchkin

  42. Aphrodite

  43. Smitten Kitten

  44. Lotus

  45. Pecan Pie

  46. Compadre

  47. Charming

  48. Sherry

  49. Moonshine

  50. Blade

  51. Banana Bread

  52. Luscious

  53. Smiley

  54. Sparrow

  55. Boo Boo Bear

  56. Giggles

  57. Sweetie Pie

  58. Buttons

  59. Foodie

  60. Buddy

  61. Cake Face

  62. Gal

  63. Chewbacca

Cute Nicknames for Girls

  1. Bear

  2. Mouse

  3. Charm

  4. Corky

  5. Energizer

  6. Mini

  7. Pumpkin

  8. Funny Girl

  9. Slayer

  10. Cutlass

  11. Flawless

  12. BFF

  13. Pork Chop

  14. Shortbread

  15. Peanut

  16. Confidant

  17. Black Diamond

  18. Black Pearl

  19. Dimples

  20. Tailor (made)

  21. Chicken

  22. Sis

  23. Class Clown

  24. Willow

  25. Dragonfly

  26. Queen

  27. Banana Split

  28. Chipmunk

  29. Thumbprint

  30. Rabbit Ears

  31. Claws

  32. Gal Pal

  33. Twinkly

  34. Cookie

  35. Hershey Kiss

  36. Dynamo

  37. Lava

  38. Shortcake

  39. My Beloved

  40. Ace

  41. Maple

  42. Squishy

  43. Snapdragon

  44. Smartie

  45. Champagne

  46. Doofy

  47. Awesome Blossom

  48. BonBon

  49. Turkey

  50. Friend for Life

  51. Taffy

  52. Tunder

  53. Curly Q

  54. Countess

  55. Mighty

  56. Lifesaver

  57. Champagne

  58. Monkey

  59. Alias

  60. Tootsie

  61. Squeaky

  62. Tigress

Funny Nicknames for Girls

  1. Friendage

  2. My Person

  3. Blueberry

  4. Bloomer

  5. Snappie

  6. Peachy Keen

  7. Lightning

  8. My All

  9. Wildberry

  10. Chocolate

  11. Hot Cocoa

  12. Sparky

  13. Duck

  14. Chrysanthemum

  15. Marvel

  16. Noodles

  17. Beefy

  18. Babyschka

  19. Martini

  20. Starburst

  21. Princess Peach

  22. Radar

  23. Mayhem

  24. WonderWoma

  25. Lilac

  26. Butterfly

  27. Black Widow

  28. Fuzzikins

  29. Dixie

  30. Fun Size

  31. Flawless

  32. Ninja

  33. Marshmallow

  34. Venus

 Cool Nicknames for Girls

  1. Belle

  2. Jazzy

  3. Bombshell

  4. Tick Tock

  5. Rummy

  6. Rolly Polly

  7. Susie Q

  8. Hottie

  9. Vicious

  10. Cherry Pie

  11. Caramel

  12. Babe

  13. Doughnut

  14. Comedy Central

  15. Cinnamon

  16. Pipsqueak

  17. Pie

  18. Bosom Buddy

  19. Champ

  20. Twister

  21. Angel Eyes

  22. Eclipse

  23. Cutie

  24. Brownie

  25. Beefy

  26. Catnip

  27. Lil Bit

  28. Heronie

  29. Shy

  30. Delight

  31. Petunia

  32. Hoops

  33. Hoops

  34. Red Vine

  35. Squirrel

  36. Dottie

  37. Energizer Bunny

  38. Stinker

  39. Shorty

  40. S’Mores

  41. Miss Mischief

  42. Tansy

  43. Black Magic

  44. Almond Joy

  45. Buttercup

  46. Minty

  47. Chocolate Chip

  48. Red Velvet

  49. Girly

  50. Tulip

  51. Marigold

  52. Itty Bitty

  53. Ducky

  54. Sweetheart

  55. Delicious

  56. Brown Sugar

  57. Pretty

  58. Rum Punch

  59. Silly Goof

  60. Fennel

  61. Riot

  62. BFG – For Big Friendly Giant

  63. Spanky

  64. Mon Cheri

  65. Gingersnap

  66. Dream Girl

  67. Bambi

  68. Bombshell

  69. Captain Marvel

  70. Jessica Rabbit

  71. Marvel

  72. Sierra

  73. Baby Face

  74. Sugar Rush

  75. Lovie

  76. The Evil Queen

  77. Slim Thick

  78. Frosting

  79. Cutie Patootie

  80. Chica

  81. Fresh

  82. Ice Pop

  83. Trinity

  84. Sugar

  85. Corny

  86. Daffodil

  87. Sphinx

  88. Cowgirl

  89. Missy

  90. Light of my life

  91. Love bug

  92. Squints

  93. Butterfingers

  94. Sparkles

  95. Cake

  96. Poppy

  97. Sunshine

  98. Banana Pie

  99. Pop Rock

  100. Meatball

  101. Bosom Friend

  102. Bubblegum

  103. Whirly

  104. Bae-ritto

  105. Your Highness

  106. Cowgirl

  107. Care Bear

  108. Bumble Bee

  109. Honey

  110. Warrior Princess

  111. Cherry

  112. Mother of Dragons

  113. Chardonnay

  114. Hela

  115. Perfect 10

  116. Chardonnay

  117. Chirp

  118. Twinkle

  119. Cutlass

  120. Brandy

  121. Quack

  122. Alfalfa

  123. Baby-Bug-a-Boo

  124. Queenie

  125. Peppermint

  126. Jessica Rabbit

  127. Lemon

  128. Iris

  129. Dahlia

  130. Ginger Spice

  131. Tootsie Pop

  132. Sweet Tooth

  133. Jazzy

  134. Empress

  135. Icee

  136. Cayenne

  137. Mittens

  138. Ginger

  139. Punk

Sweet Nicknames for Girls

  1. Heavenly

  2. Lovey Dovey

  3. Tootsie Roll

  4. Vitamin C

  5. Home Girl

  6. Stem

  7. Donut

  8. Leaf

  9. Soul Mate

  10. Chick

  11. Sunflower

  12. Skittle

  13. Dandelion

  14. Shortstop

  15. Doll Face

  16. Soda Pop

  17. Lady Luck

  18. Oompa Loompa

  19. Kitten

  20. Sweetie

  21. Pink Panther

  22. Spike

  23. Juicy

  24. Snowdrop

  25. Bun Bun

  26. Ding dong

  27. Moonflower

  28. Buckwild

  29. Polka-Dot

  30. Jolly

  31. Sugar Plum

  32. Popsicle

  33. Lioness

  34. Biscuit

  35. Amor

  36. Apple Pie

  37. Wonder

  38. Sugar Pie

  39. Twizzler

  40. Tea Cup

  41. Jasmine

  42. Living Angel

  43. Firey

  44. Paws

  45. Baby Cake

  46. Cutie Pie

  47. Heat

  48. Best Friend

  49. Muffin

  50. Peep

  51. Cattail

  52. Plum

  53. Goofball

  54. Lady Luck

  55. Sienna

  56. Cadillac

  57. Tinker Bell

  58. Babs

  59. Aphrodite

  60. Goldie

  61. Black Pearl

  62. Pecan

  63. Shadow

  64. Spaghetti

  65. Dumpling

  66. Martini

  67. Four Eyes

  68. Boots

  69. Mulberry

  70. Twix

  71. Tart

  72. Cream Puff

  73. Blondie

  74. Katniss

  75. Black Widow

  76. Rebel

  77. Juice

  78. Wild Rose

  79. Senorita

  80. Kissy Face

  81. Fighter

  82. Brandy

  83. Kit-Kat

  84. Duchess

  85. Bestie

  86. Petal

  87. Rosie

  88. Blade

  89. Peaches

  90. Junior Mint

  91. Pal

  92. Snuggle Bear

  93. Blackberry

  94. Pocky

  95. Pigtails

  96. Panda

  97. Firefly

  98. Brown eyes

  99. Jelly Bean

  100. Minnie Mouse

  101. Snapple

  102. Protein

  103. Manhattan

  104. Genuine

  105. Mustang

  106. Eclipse

  107. Black Magic

  108. Hobbit

  109. Crazy Queen

  110. Bright Light

  111. Hurricane

  112. Blossom

  113. Strawberry

  114. Banana Muffin

  115. Snickerdoodle

  116. Candy Corn

A perfect nickname for a girl should be friendly and not too personal. You can use your own name, or her full name as the first step in coming up with one; then you might want to base it off things like how she looks or what kind of personality she has. While there are no set rules when it comes to nicknames, make sure that everyone is happy with any choice before moving on!

It’s hard to find nicknames for girls that aren’t just the same few dozen over and over again. We know how frustrating it can be, so we’ve compiled this extensive list with hundreds of names you might not have seen before! If your favorite name from our list wasn’t on here, let us know in the comments below. Which name do you hope will work best for your girlfriend?

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